Workers’ Comp Costs Vary Greatly From State to State

In a study looking at 33 states, hospital rates for surgery, which are key factors in determining workers’ compensation rates, vary greatly across the nation. The “Hospital Outpatient Payment Index: Interstate Variation and Policy Analysis,” covered 33 U.S. states and,…

Drone Delivery Dream Starting to Become a Reality

People have been fantasizing about drone delivery programs for a long time and it looks like it’s finally happening. According to Packaging Digest, Google, Amazon, Walmart and plenty more organizations are working toward aerial drone delivery programs. Imagine ordering an…

Workers’ Comp Changes in Florida and New York

Workers’ compensation laws are changing around the country to better protect American workers. The U.S. Supreme Court is now reviewing Florida’s workers’ comp system after permanent partial disability benefits were cut by the state in an effort to save money.…

USDA Releases Biomass Wood Pellet Energy Report

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Foreign Agricultural Service’s Global Agricultural Information Network recently released a report detailing Russia’s biofuels industry, offering some good news. Biomass pellets are used as a heating source and the use of…