The Best Virtual Spaces For Collaboration

The Best Virtual Spaces For Collaboration

You’re likely to utilize Slack or video tools for conferencing if working remotely. But these 2D tools can be a bit sloppy in terms of fostering the connection and collaboration among team members.

This is why collaboration spaces that are virtual are so crucial. The best virtual spaces resemble the physical environment of an office, with working stations, meeting rooms and common areas that enable teams to quickly connect with one another. With some nudges or live chats teams can have natural communication and have unexpected meetings similar to those you would have in real offices.

Kumospace is a virtual workspace helps to eliminate the need for meetings by giving users the impression that they are “working next to someone else”. And for those times when you do need a meeting Kumospace provides a range of virtual spaces for collaboration to meet different needs from 1:1 catch-ups to sprint planning to sales demos and presentations.

Switchboard is another virtual collaboration tool that can take the experience of being in a workplace to an entirely new level. With its collaborative virtual rooms and canvases, it allows teams to become productive quickly by working together with browser-based apps and documents. When the session is over all work is saved to ensure that everyone is able to continue where they left off.

Other virtual spaces, like Teemyco and Gather, help build a culture of cooperation by making it easier for people to see what their colleagues are up to in the virtual office. This makes it easy to track who is planning an important project, presenting an online sales presentation or taking a virtual coffee break.

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