How to Find the Best Secure Email Providers

How to Find the Best Secure Email Providers

Email is one of the most popular ways hackers get access to your company’s personal information However, your typical email provider will not do much to shield you from the snooping. You should think about an email service that is secure and provides end-to-end encryption. This will prevent others from seeing your messages.

Your email provider is not in the loop by this kind of encryption. Not all secure email services offer the same level of security. It is important to choose a service that is able to meet the highest security standards and policies, as well as essential features.

To determine the most secure email provider for your needs, consider its privacy practices and how it handles your data. You’ll be interested to know if it will store your information, in the event that it does, where and for how long.

For instance, if you chosen provider is based in the United States or other countries that are part of 14 Eyes surveillance partnerships, you’ll want to make sure it has the option to remove your private keys from its servers and store them locally on your computer. This will provide you with an extra layer of protection in the event that your service is seized by an authority.

Proton Mail’s strong privacy practices and robust cryptography technology make it a top choice for security of email. It’s an open source platform that’s backed by privacy-friendly Switzerland laws. It’s an excellent option for journalists, activists and anyone seeking an affordable, high-quality email provider. Tutanota is another option that is reputable, offers top-notch encryption and an intuitive interface.

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